Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration night

Last night, 2 days short of F's anniversary, Obama was inaugurated. I had been at home the whole day. A game of Twilight Trips (lawn bowls) had been arranged and I was to pick up my two lady friends at four pm. As the inauguration excitement had started just after lunchtime SA time, I put CNN on to record, and went off.

We had a credible game in the overcast twilight; although we did not win our game it was enjoyable with the company, in spite of a green which bounced and twittered and one's bowl did some surprising things.

At home my friends came in and we opened a bottle of wine, flicking through the crowd scenes till we came to Obama and his wife and the ceremony. America's equivalent to a coronation was stirring stuff, in spite of the cold and its resulting odd effect of taking away colour and making everything seem either grey or black with an odd flash of red.

Like everyone else, I thrill to Obama and his clear, clear thinking; I love his language and imagery, I love his straightforward speeches and I think he is both brave and deeply morale. Like everyone else, I wish him well, and worry about his safety. Do not let this figure, I think, become a horrifying saga of assassination and tragedy - the world needs a break. It needs a hero.

The evening wore on and eventually my guests were leaving. M was to take J home, just a short distance. We were saying goodbye outside in my driveway; my cat having accompanied us outside, as she does, and I moved to make sure she wasn't behind the car - typically, she scampered off as I approached her.

The car suddenly shot backwards with two very horrified ladies in it, just narrowly managing to stop before hitting backwards into the concrete fencing that borders the estate. Their faces were a picture. We dissolved into laughter.

M then proceeded to start her engine and have the car leap either forwards or backwards before stalling. What's happening, I said? I don't know! How much wine did you have? We were helpless with laughter, J having quitted the car on the passenger side.

Let me have a go, I said - go on then. I briefly stalled the car too but the handbrake was on, and once released. the car behaved normally, and off they went. It was good to laugh, but I realised later that had I been standing just a bit to the left, I could well have been knocked over.

Nevertheless, it was very funny.

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